About Our Company and Our People

Hiobaek manufactures Namwon traditional seaweed bugak in a clean area 500m above sea level on Jiri Mountain. About 16 years ago, CEO Heo Jeong-jin met married immigrant women while volunteering at a knitting class for parents at a rural elementary school where her children attended. There was a heavy burden on their shoulders: society’s harsh gaze and the reality that it was difficult to find even small jobs. In order to share this heavy burden and walk together, CEO Heo founded Hi-Oh Bag by researching the manufacturing skills of Kimbugak, which is considered the best taste in the community, and the technology to eliminate unique odors when packaging fried foods.

Namwon’s traditional seaweed bugak is manufactured in a clean area 500m above sea level on Mt. Jiri by applying technology to eliminate the oily smell unique to fried products.
Hi-O-Bac is currently operated as a women’s enterprise and a prospective social enterprise, creating jobs for married immigrant women.

Traditional Kimbugak made
with married immigrants

About 16 years ago, CEO Heo Jeong-jin met married immigrant women while volunteering at a knitting class for parents at a rural elementary school where her children attended. There was a heavy burden on their shoulders: society’s harsh gaze and the reality that it was difficult to find even small jobs. In order to share this heavy burden and walk together, CEO Heo founded Hi-Oh Bag by researching the manufacturing skills of Kimbugak, which is considered the best taste in the community, and the technology to eliminate unique odors when packaging fried foods.